Sunday, September 23, 2012

Secrets Should Stay Secrets..?

Thousands of people are uploading videos of their deepest secrets to Youtube, a trend that they say “makes them stronger.” While the experience is freeing to them, it might not be the best way to deal with all of their problems. People on the Internet are cruel and like to hurt and tear others down with what they say. The cruel people are drawn to the “Secrets” videos like a shark is drawn to blood, and attack just as a shark does. 
The people who upload these videos are not seeking attention. There is usually a greater purpose to their videos. Kait, for example, shares the story of her mother's suicide. As the video goes on, she encourages anybody who is having suicidal thoughts, or knows someone who is, to get help, She says, “Get help for me, for my mom.” Kait had to deal with mean people saying she was just wanting attention after posting her video. Ben Breedlove, a teen with an adorable smile, shares his struggle with the heart disease HCM. He has cheated death multiple times, and shares about what each experience was like, how he had a pacemaker put in at the age of 14, and how he has never been able to play sports with his friends. He teaches everyone to love life and be proud of themselves and all that they have accomplished.
While they all say that posting those videos was good for them, it might not be good for others. A person might think that posting their deepest issues will fix them, but that isn't a good way to think of it. That person has to be prepared for the world having access to it, for the mean people and what they will say, and for the affect it might have in the future.

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